- Wounds Australia is the peak body for wound management in Australia. Aims to improve wound management outcomes for all through education, research, communication and networking.
Peak bodies by interest
- Australasian Bariatric Innovations Group (AUSBIG) - Resources for the complexity of safe and dignified physical management of the bariatric patient (overweight, obese and morbidly obese). Raising awareness of poor culture and care. Membership and benefits for health professionals is free. VicBIG is the Victorian Bariatric Interest Group and meets quarterly.
- Diabetes Australia Vic - A hub of links and resources for individuals with diabetes and health professionals
- Baker IDI - Foot complications in Diabetes page. The page provides links to approved NHMRC guideline and clinical resources.
Lymphoedema / Chronic Oedema
Research & Education
- Joanna Briggs Institute - Australian research and development organisation, collaborating internationally to promote the utilisation of evidence. Some features require subscription.
- NSW Clinical Excellence Commission - Is responsible for leading safety and quality improvement in the NSW public health system. The CEC promotes and supports improved clinical care including Pressure injury Prevention Project
- Queensland Health, Patient Safety Unit - Audit tools for National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards- A suite of audit tools for facilities to use to collect data in support of evidence in meeting the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) standards.
- The Royal Children’s Hospital - Melbourne - Provides quality, up-to-date health resource information. Search alphabetically for wound/skin related topics including: burns, cellulitis, lacerations, pressure injury and management, skin care, skin infections, wound care and wound dressings.
- Therapeutic Guidelines- Reliable and practical publications for health professionals including the 2012 'Ulcer and Wound Management' for an annual subscription. Public health services supply access for health workers.
- Victorian Government Health Information - Pressure injury online education program for residential aged care workers. Information on Victorian Quality Indicators.
- Wound Healing Institute of Australia - The WHIA is an evolution of the WoundsWest Program, whose assets and services are now more widely marketed nationally through the Wound CRC. Resources, research, education and training. Integrates and collaborates research into innovative wound management tools, systems and technologies with aim of improving wound management outcomes.
Wound Management
- Wounds Australia - National body with multidisciplinary focus. Aims to improve wound management outcomes for all through education, research, communication and networking.
- Australasian Wound and Tissue Repair Society - Promotes knowledge and interchange between scientists, healthcare professionals, industry and all who have an interest in wound healing and tissue repair.
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